Edition 2020/01/10 In the Loop

January 10, 2020

IDEA X CHALLENGE 2020 (A Unique SD35 Opportunity)

Teachers,  form your student teams for this year’s IDEA X Challenge !  The IDEA X Challenge provides an amazing opportunity to do a “deep dive” around a “wicked world problem.”    Students partner, invent and innovate to solve significant global problems. Scholarships of up to $15,000 are available to winning teams.  Students should be 12 years and older.  All teams must have a teacher sponsor and team members must attend the IDEA X Launch on February, 6th 4:30-8:00 pm at the School District Office.  For information on last year’s challenge and to register your team, click HERE.

Videos from 1st and 2nd Place Team Pitches 2019: 

2nd place: https://youtu.be/1lmQenjXEQM

1st place: https://youtu.be/-4xOrMCGAk8

2020 IDEA X CHALLENGE: Design a future Langley that could exist in 50 years that is environmentally responsible and earth-conscious while honoring what is important to today’s residents.



Skills for Life for Families
What would parenting look like if you experienced less stress and anxiety, had more control over your emotions, and had the space for reflection before taking action? This workshop series is offered free of charge and will be led by the Langley School District and Community Partners in collaboration with The Dalai Lama Center For Peace and Education. For more information, please click here.

Attention: Intermediate Teachers
Have you considered running a Heritage Fair in your Classroom? If not, now is the time to do so! Please view this flyer on the value of doing a Heritage Fair with your learners. The Township of Langley and your SD35 Teacher-Librarians will be an excellent source of support for you, so please don’t hesitate to reach out with any questions.

Please also check out the Canadian Museum of Flight’s Brand New Grade 6 Science School Program here.


Supporting ELL Readers
January 14, and January 22 [Register]
This workshop is geared towards classroom teachers and new ELL teachers who are looking for strategies to support ELL/ESL students in their classrooms. You will also learn the distinction of what ELLs versus Native English Speakers need to succeed when learning to read. Appropriate for K-9 Teachers. All participants will receive a complimentary reference guide if they attend all four sessions.

Building K-7 e-Portfolios Through “All About Me”
Wednesday, January 15, 2020 [Register]
This workshop will be very hands-on, and teachers will leave with a deep understanding of how this platform works, see its effectiveness as a tool for formative assessment and learn about the Class Pass App. After completion of this session, teachers can utilize the wide range of resources that My Blueprint offers to further support their students’ portfolio development.

Teaching Kids to Write Using the Writers Workshop Model
January 15 and February 4, 2020 [Register]
Your role becomes that of a facilitator and writing mentor. You’ll learn how to create the best writing instruction program for your students with ideas on how to teach “must do” or essential skills, as well as how to incorporate quality children’s literature (mentor texts) as models of good writing.

Understanding Langley’s Early Development Instrument (EDI) Data
Monday, January 20, 2020 [Register]
In February 2019, EDI questionnaires were filled out by Kindergarten teachers throughout BC on their Kindergarten students’ development. UBC’s Human Early Learning Partnership (HELP) will assist Langley’s school staff and community members to understand the results of this Wave 7 of the EDI. Come be part of this important session that will help set Langley’s children on a strong developmental path.

Primary Palooza
Wednesday, January 22, 2020 [Register]
The Langley Primary Teachers’ Association invites teachers to join colleagues to share ideas and participate in discussions around topics of choice. Please consider participating in this opportunity to collaborate and problem solve. You decide on the topics and which discussions you want to participate in.

Working with Langley Student Teachers: Providing a Positive Experience and Building Success for the Future
Date changed: Monday, January 27, 2020 [Register]
The Langley School District is proud to sponsor student teachers from four universities. The willingness of experienced teachers to support these students enables us to do so. We would like to invite you to join us as we explore the role of the sponsor teacher in a Langley school.

Online Sexual Health Resource Workshop
January 29 or February 20 [Register]
Are you looking for a one-stop shop for guidelines, curriculum links, scope and sequence, multiple resources easily accessed by grade or topic, community clinics, supports for indigenous students, newcomer students, students with differing abilities…… and much, much more? Langley School District’s online Sexual Health Resource Binder provides access to these and many other resources.

Did you know – you can also book the above presentation at your school???  The presenters are willing to attend a staff meeting, after school or during a ‘lunch and learn’ if that makes it easier to get the information to people. In order to provide a specialized session such as this – there must be a minimum of 5 teachers present. If you would like to arrange a session please email: rbailie@sd35.bc.ca

Story Workshop
Tuesday, February 4, 2020 [Register]
Where do you find your stories? Provocations for children to find, build, and create their stories through play, loose materials, and art mediums nurtures them into natural storytellers! Story Workshop encourages children to take a closer look, find their stories, and to see themselves as storytellers as well as writers and readers. How can mediums such as clay, natural materials, ice, paint and wire can transform an idea into a story?

NEW: Odyssey Conference 2020
Friday, February 14, 2020 [Register]
Our theme this year is “Empowered Learners: Voice and Choice” with a continued focus on the core competencies. Inside the program guide, you will find learning opportunities for teachers K-12, support staff, administrators, and more. In addition to the many facilitators from inside and outside our District, we are featuring the highly acclaimed Pernille Ripp as a keynote and session presenter in the area of literacy K-12 which is aligned with our District’s literacy goal.

NEW: Let’s Write! Engaging Students as Writers and Thinkers with Journals
Friday, February 14, 2020 [Register]
Let’s write! Come learn how to use journals to engage students as writers and thinkers and explore the formative assessment possibilities journals offer. The journals combine writing and representing analytical and social-emotional work. This workshop is intended as a collaborative working session. Bring an idea, a short story, article, document, or a unit of study and come away with a journal activity to facilitate engagement and learning. Facilitator: Vera Sutton, a long time Langley teacher at ACSS, is excited to share her passion, experience and learning around how to realize the potential of journals for student growth. The target audience of this session is Humanities teachers from Middle School to Grade 12. If you come with someone you already collaborate with, all the better.

NEW: Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women & Girls
Friday, February 14, 2020 [Register]
Learn about Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls, including terminology and context. You’ll be introduced to the resource “Their Voices Will Guide Us” as well as a number of others prior to boarding a bus to head downtown to participate in the Annual Women’s March on the Downtown East Side for Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women. Dinner included.

NEW: Everyday Anxiety Strategies for Educators  EASE: Educator Workshop
Friday, February 14, 2020 *Registration coming soon*
The EASE workshops is available K-7 Educators. The workshop and resources are provided at no cost to B.C. teachers, school counselors and other educators who participate in one day of interactive professional development to:

  • Find out about anxiety and how it impacts children
  • Discover ways to integrate anxiety prevention tools as part of regular classroom routines
  • Get hands-on strategies to help students
  • Recognize helpful and unhelpful thinking
  • Take brave steps to face a challenge
  • Use relaxation skills to dial down strong emotions and build resilience

To learn more, please visit Anxiety Canada’s website or check out the Government website here.

Creating and Communicating Growth in Student Learning
February 14 [Register]
During the morning you will develop expertise in using the iPad to capture student learning through your own experiences with manipulatives. You will have time for reflection leading into our after lunch focus on developing meaningful ePortfolios. You will leave the day with skills and ideas that you can use with your class on Monday!

Stories, Play, and Social Emotional Learning for K-3
February 25 and April 6, 2020 [Register]
In this play-based session we will interact with a wide range of rich learning resources. We will use picture books for Winter and early Spring that link to the facets of Social and Emotional Well-being. Practical tips on how to incorporate the Personal and Social Core Competencies will be modelled. Come prepared to collaborate, play and have fun! Hosted by the Langley Primary Teachers’ Association.

See our full calendar of upcoming events and find your fit at thinklangley.com


Victoria Literacy Conference
The Canadian Institute of Reading Recovery presents Bright Futures – Setting Foundations for Literacy in Victoria, B.C. on April 17, 2020.  Featuring Ruth Culham (6+1 Traits of Writing) and several other teachers from across Canada.  Early bird registration is on now until February, 14, 2020.

TRIUMF, UBC, SFU Spring 2020 Saturday Morning Lectures (Secondary)
As Canada’s national laboratory for particle and nuclear physics and accelerator-based science, TRIUMF hopes to inspire the next generation’s leaders in physics through our outreach initiatives. This lecture series is free and covers various physics, astronomy, science and technology topics at a level appropriate for high school students and members of the public.To register, please visit (under “Live Events”) this website. For more information on this series, please click here.

Mobile Dairy Classroom
This fun, interactive program is designed for classes K-7. The MDC is a free, educational program dedicated to increasing awareness about agriculture in BC. The trailer is modified to fit a live cow and a calf, as well as milking equipment. Please click here for more information.

Operation: This IS You! Saving Lives at Sea FREE Event for Girls & Women
Royal Canadian Marine Search & Rescue (RCMSAR) partners with Achieve Anything Foundation to offer a hands-on taste of marine search and rescue in Coastal BC. For more information, please click here.

Spellman High Voltage Electronics Clean Tech CompetitionS
Students research a specific area and challenge, then propose something that individuals can do to reduce their footprint and solve that challenge, based on having limited or an excess of resources. Finalists compete for the $10,000 grand prize in each category, and a ‘Continued Mentorship. For more information, please go here.




Instructional Services | #Think35

4875 222 Street, Langley
BC, V3A 3Z7
Phone: 6045347891