Edition 2020/10/02 In the Loop

October 2, 2020


Each week, we will highlight an approved App available for students to use in Langley. This week we are featuring:

Pictello A fabulous tool that can help kids create social stories. Pictello is a great way for kids to create social stories that can help them find their unique voice and prepare for internal and external struggles. This app is recommended for grades K-5. This app is user friendly and fun for kids! Just install from the Self Service icon on any student ipad.

*Just a reminder that Apps can be installed from the approved apps in the Self Service icon on student ipads.


Adapting PowerPlay Young Entrepreneurs for COVID-19 (Online)
Two dates: October 5 or October 6 [Register]
This online professional development workshop features PowerPlay Young Entrepreneurs, an experiential learning project that helps grades 4-8 students explore the world of business by developing their own entrepreneurial ventures.

NEW Identity Literature Circle Series
October 19, November 23, January 11, and March 1 [Register]
As demonstrated in the last few months, young adults are curious about so much more of the experiences of BIPOC authors than they are perhaps currently exposed to in their education and the media. We would like to invite a group of educators to discuss these books and how they could be used in the grade 10-12 classroom.

NEW Competency Based Assessment in Secondary Classrooms with Katie White
Friday, October 23, 2020 [Register]
In an educational world that is brimming with uncertainty and change, it is hard to know where to focus our attention. We feel pulled in many directions and sorting through the noise sometimes feels impossible. When we think about assessment, it is hard to imagine a paradigm where it could actually be at center of the clarity we are searching for…but it can! Join Katie White as she explores ways teams can work together to investigate the connection between assessment, curricular competencies, and the decisions we make every day in our classrooms.

NEW Connecting the Pieces: Pre-K & Kindergarten Conference (Online)
Friday, October 23 [Register]
Connecting the Pieces is going online for this year’s conference! Our workshop line-up includes local and internationally recognized experts selected to share their innovative and practical ideas for working with young learners. Don’t miss our keynote presentation from the Ooey Gooey lady, Lisa Murphy.

Online workshop registration
Do you have a workshop idea that you’d like to host online? Professional Services can support you with registration for your digital event! Send us a workshop proposal at thinklangley.com or email us at thinklangley@sd35.bc.ca for more information.

On-Demand webinars
Do you have a pre-recorded workshop that we could host as an on-demand webinar? We’d love to share it! Contact Andrea at adriedger@sd35.bc.ca for more information.

Teacher Mentorship Program 
Participation in a structured mentorship program enables teachers to learn and grow in a supportive, collaborative culture. Our district’s Teacher Mentorship Program is open to all teachers who have less than five years of experience OR who have had a significant change in assignment OR who feel that they would benefit from a structured mentoring program. Click here for the program flyer.

If you are interested in joining the program or if you would like additional information, please contact Brenda Barlow (bbarlow@s d35.bc.ca or 778-726-3530).  

Curio and Campus Access for Teachers
Exciting news! The District has purchased a license to provide all Langley teachers with free access to two excellent Canadian digital resources. Curio (CBC and Radio Canada) and Campus (National Film Board) both provide access to high quality Canadian videos/films and supporting resources for educators to use with their classes.  Please click on (Let’s Watch It!) for instructions on how to access your account for each of these resources. Your Teacher Librarian at your school site is an excellent resource for support in accessing and using these terrific resources to their full potential.


SFU Info Sessions for Upcoming Spring Programs
SFU is in the process of promoting Graduate Diploma in Education programs that are planned to start in January 2021.  All program information webinars are coming up on October 7 and November 3. To find out more, please click here.

Mini Grant Opportunity
The Directing Change Program & Film Contest is thrilled to announce a new Mini Grant Opportunity for Schools, School Boards, and Organizations in Canada! The contest engages youth to learn about the topic of mental health by creating short films that are used to support awareness, education, and advocacy. While Directing Change has been an established and evaluated program for eight years, this is the first year that Directing Change is open to youth in Canada, and is available through a partnership with Youth Mental Health Canada (YMHC). Participants have a chance to win prizes as well as start conversations around mental health in their communities. Click here to find out more.

Grant Opportunities for Student Initiatives
GLOCAL Foundation of Canada is a non-partisan, non-profit organization striving to empower Canadians to integrate a global understanding and vision with an active domestic engagement. At the same time, GLOCAL is piloting this micro-grants program to support student initiatives that aim to raise civic awareness, encourage voter turnout and fight disinformation for the upcoming B.C. provincial election. Typical grants amounts range from $200 to $3,000 per initiative. Click here to find out more.

Orphaned Wildlife Rehabilitation Society
Join OWL (Orphaned Wildlife) Rehabilitation Society in this unique virtual experience to learn about the amazing species of raptors that call BC home and to meet some of OWL’s Raptor Ambassadors up close on camera. It is the same great “OWL in the Classroom” program provided to schools in past years, but in a different way! All OWL education programs are being held virtually this year. For more information about this program, click here.

Instructional Services | #Think35

4875 222 Street, Langley
BC, V3A 3Z7
Phone: 6045347891