OUTDOOR LEARNING: We are encouraging teachers to take the learning outdoors during this challenging time. Click HERE for the Instructional Services OneNote Binder full of ideas and resources to help take learning outdoors! CORE COMPETENCY SELF-REFLECTIONS: As per the Reporting Order, all students K-12 are required to do a final self-assessment of the core… Read more »
Category: In The Loop
Edition 2020/05/22 In the Loop
DISTRICT-VETTED RESOURCES There are many district-vetted resources being added to the Channels within the TCS Teams. The TCS Teams are collaborative spaces where you can find resources, share resources and ask questions regarding resources and tech platforms. All educators have been added to these Teams. We have the following 3 Teams: StrongStart –… Read more »
2020/05/15 In the Loop
DISTRICT-VETTED RESOURCES There are many district-vetted resources being added to the Channels within the TCS Teams. The TCS Teams are collaborative spaces where you can find resources, share resources and ask questions regarding resources and tech platforms. All educators have been added to these Teams. We have the following 3 Teams: StrongStart – Grade 3,… Read more »